With so many resources out there for screenwriters, I’ve put together a collection of the most valuable tools that I’ve tested, refined, and know will help you elevate your craft. From character development to industry connections, these are the exact resources I use to help writers bring their stories to life!
With so many resources out there for screenwriters, I’ve put together a collection of the most valuable tools that I’ve tested, refined, and know will help you elevate your craft. From character development to industry connections, these are the exact resources I use to help writers bring their stories to life!
Struggling to create compelling characters? This free cheat sheet walks you through my VOTE Method, helping you define your character’s Victory, Obstacles, Tactics, and Emotion. Use these prompts to craft characters that captivate audiences and attract producers.
A great story can’t shine if the formatting is sloppy! This step-by-step checklist ensures your script meets industry standards so it looks professional and is easy for readers, producers, and agents to digest. Don’t let bad formatting hold your script back!
Want representation but don’t know where to start? This research template helps you track, organize, and reach out to the right agents and managers for your screenplay. Find the right fit, personalize your approach, and take the next step in your writing career.